Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Ahhhh, Fiesta time!!! Get some good tequila (or bad), sombreros, salsa (the kind you eat or the kind you look like a schmuck doing), cerveza, pinatas, and a sweet mustache. Now all you need is all your boys. So what do you do? Better hit up manvite quick, the only online invite service for MEN. Here is a little blurb from the MANifesto just so you know they mean business:

"MANVITE is a free online invitation service that finally caters to the real man. You won't find a bunch of colorful balloons and frittata recipes on a Manvite. What you will get is a ton of features that assure your status as an alpha-male. Some of them include..." 
  • A straightforward chance to accept or reject a Manvite based on its manliness.
  • A postgame page after every event that allows you to talk mad shit after it's over. That's right, if Larry pisses his pants and passes out at the bar... he will hear about it... a lot.
  • The ability to make events public for the world to see - and, if your Manvite has large enough balls, the chance to have it be voted permanently into the Manvite Hall of Fame.
After that all i can leave you with is a link to the 5 things you didnt know about Cinco Day Drinko askmen 

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