Monday, August 3, 2009

Mondays Wasted Weekend Pic Drop

Its been a rough weekend, i hope everyone has recovered but i have a feeling there are a few people who have not. Thanks everyone for your entries and keep up the good work in the weekends.

Ah, true friends, bustin out the Blackberrys for My Serch For God

He si probably just taking a nap for round 2

Im not sure how this works, or if it even does. Who is taking the picture, the bathroom attendant?

Happy 18th Rich, wait till you turn 21

These girls are taking Madona's idea of a bra to another level

Check back every Monday for photo updates on the weekend's search for god. If you have any from your searches send em over Sunday and ill get them up! (email link is at the bottom of my homepage)

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Contact: Dont Be Scared

Email us your sweet pics and videos and we will throw them up.

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